
LoggingintoyourOmniFocusAccountfromtheOmniStoresubscriptionpage....OmniFocusforMac—ChooseOmniFocus>ManageOmniAccountandPurchases…in ...,2023年12月15日—Omnigroupdoesn'tofferanyfamilylicensesasMicrosoftwithOffice365,forexample.IfyounowhavetousetheOFaccounttoverify ...,One-offpaymentandsubscriptionoptionsareavailableforOmniFocus.Saveupto50%withupgradediscounts.14-daytrialsavailablewithoutpurch...

Subscribing to OmniFocus - Support

Logging in to your OmniFocus Account from the Omni Store subscription page. ... OmniFocus for Mac—Choose OmniFocus > Manage Omni Account and Purchases… in ...

Are OmniFocus licenses now tied to OmniFocus account?

2023年12月15日 — Omnigroup doesn't offer any family licenses as Microsoft with Office 365, for example. If you now have to use the OF account to verify ...

Subscription or One-Off Payment - Store

One-off payment and subscription options are available for OmniFocus. Save up to 50% with upgrade discounts. 14-day trials available without purchase.


OmniFocus on Mac and iOS is a personal task manager made for busy people. It helps users to organize projects, focus on the right tasks at the right time,

Creating a Free Omni Sync Server Account

The Omni Sync Server is a free service from the Omni Group that allows you to access and update your OmniFocus database across all your Mac and iOS devices.

Sign In — The Omni Group

Your Omni Account is an authentication service for Omni Group websites. With one account, you can sign in to all Omni Group services. SIGN UP. Account:

Sign up for an Omni Account

Your Omni Account is your key to services provided by The Omni Group. This includes the Omni Sync Server, OmniFocus for the Web, subscription and license ...

OmniFocus for the Web

To get started using OmniFocus for the Web, sync OmniFocus with our free sync service and log in above with your Omni Account. ... Sign in using your Omni Account ...

Using and managing your Omni Account

2022年11月21日 — The Omni Accounts page offers a “Forgot Password” link to reset your password via email. However, it's important to note that all OmniFocus ...

Manage Your Omni Account

Your Omni Account is your key to services provided by The Omni Group. This includes the Omni Sync Server, OmniFocus for the Web, subscription and license ...